The more you trust and rely upon the Spirit, the greater your capacity to create.
Dieter F. UchtdorfWithout spiritual landmarks, mankind wanders . . . Without the word of God, we walk in circles.
Dieter F. UchtdorfThe Lord has blessed you with a testimony of the truth. You have felt His influence and witnessed His power. And if you continue to seek Him, He will continue to grant you sacred experiences. With these and other spiritual gifts, you will be able not only to change your own life for the better but also to bless your homes, wards or branches, communities, cities, states, and nations with your goodness.
Dieter F. UchtdorfThis topic of judging others could actually be taught in a two-word sermon. When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding grudges, or wanting to cause harm, please apply the following: Stop it! It’s that simple. We simply have to stop judging others and replace judgmental thoughts and feelings with a heart full of love for God and His children.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf