Joy is all there is. The rest is a preoccupation of the ego, unworthy of your holy mind.
Doreen VirtueThe angels are thoughts of love sent from God. Since God is continuously expressing loving thoughts, there are an infinite number of angels. They are very real messengers, sent by God, to help us feel peace and joy.
Doreen Virtue"Angel" means messenger of God. But angels are nondenominational. The word "God" sometimes implies a Judeo-Christian orientation, yet angels are universal and ancient archetypes.
Doreen VirtueSigns usually come in threes. The same book is recommended to you several times within the space of a day, for example. You overhear someone mention the same company three times in a week. Or, you get the same feeling again and again. Notice your feelings. Again, true divine guidance feels safe, even if it does feel intimidating. False guidance feels edgy, shaky - like you're sneaking under the wire. It doesn't feel right.
Doreen Virtue