I'm at best on stage. It's one of the only places where I actually can feel like a million bucks.
DoseoneI'm not musically trained and I'm not all these other things. I'm creative with a keyboard and a drum machine, but I can't really make these perfect minimal musical executions - all the things that would be nice with all these refined poems.
DoseoneBeing on stage, it's like, "Ooo-kay, now I remember why all this is going wrong or right!" It's very much my element.
DoseoneI love the inappropriateness of age-old wisdom in modern slang. These things are all so wonderful to me.
DoseoneWhat I remove from my writing is linear context. It's not really important to me, because it doesn't give me chills to see, "you flip the latch and the lock opens and then you can open the top of the chest and inside the chest is this." That doesn't give me chills, to think in that vein. So I've always kind of avoided it.