There's nothing worse than sitting down to write a novel and saying, "Well, okay, I'm going to do something of high artistic worth." It's funny.
Douglas AdamsI rarely end up where I was intending to go, but often I end up somewhere I needed to be.
Douglas AdamsHe actually caught himself saying things like "Yippee," as he pranced ridiculously round the house.
Douglas AdamsStomp stomp. Whirr. Pleased to be of service. Shut up. Thank you. Stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp. Whirr. Thank you for making a simple door very happy. Hope your diodes rot. Thank you. Have a nice day. Stomp stomp stomp stomp. Whirr. It is my pleasure to open for you... Zark off. ...and my satisfaction to close again with the knowledge of a job well done. I said zark off. Thank you for listening to this message.
Douglas Adams