I am sure that the Israelis and the Pentagon and everyone else are searching through this Bible Code minute by minute to see what the future holds.
Drunvalo MelchizedekThe product will remain basically unknown until seven percent of the population knows it. As soon as seven percent of the population knows about that product, on the next day, about ninety-eight percent of the population knows about it.
Drunvalo MelchizedekIf we have made a specific transition, what it means is that anything is possible right now.
Drunvalo MelchizedekThat's what I do. I just let Mother Earth use me, in many, many instances, especially when I am working with pollution. She is a very real Spirit - she is your mother, and if you open to Her, she can come in and use you in a way that is very powerful. That is what Mother Teresa has done, by being selfless.
Drunvalo Melchizedek