If you're sitting around worrying about bills all day, it's hard to hear the guidance that's coming from the inside.
Echo BodineI want to help put some of the pieces together for people. I want to empower people so they don't have to keep going to others outside of themselves for guidance.
Echo BodineI've come to believe, on the journey of mine, that we have a still, small voice - and that voice does come from God. It's there to bring us comfort and to bring us guidance with everything.
Echo BodineThere are a lot of voices inside of us. We have the voices of our parents, our grandparents, our society, our bosses, our own should's and shouldn'ts, and our self-worth is in us, controlling us a lot. When we can get past all of those, and get to the deep, core part of us, there's a voice within our soul that I believe is connected to our Divine or Higher Self. That voice within is there to guide us through all aspects of our lives.
Echo Bodine