The only foes that threaten America are the enemies at home, and these are ignorance, superstition and incompetence.
Elbert HubbardI believe it is possible that I shall make other creeds, and change this one, or add to it, from time to time, as new light may come to me.
Elbert HubbardIf you work for a man, in heavens name work for him! If he pays you wages that supply you your bread and butter, work for him speak well of him, think well of him, stand by him and stand by the institution he represents. I think if I worked for a man I would work for him. I would not work for him a part of the time, and the rest of the time work against him. I would give an undivided service or none. If put to the pinch, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.
Elbert Hubbard