For me, just being on the cover of a magazine wasn't enough. I began to think, what value is there in doing something in which you have no creative input?
Elle MacphersonBut I do know focusing on the exterior doesn't make me happy. If I want peace and serenity, it won't be reached by getting thinner or fatter.
Elle MacphersonA few pounds show a lot on my body. But it's okay. I believe women look good with a bit of softness to them.
Elle MacphersonI try to meditate every morning. It relaxes me, clears my mind, and sets my day off on the right foot before things get too manic.
Elle MacphersonFocusing on the way I look makes me uncomfortable. I try to focus on the way I feel - I know what makes me feel better about myself. Reading my child a story makes me feel great, doing my hair nicely doesn't.
Elle MacphersonI'm almost 50, so I obviously don't have the same body that I had when I was 20. But I also don't have the same mindset either, when I was wracked with self-consciousness and insecurity. Now I really appreciate my maturity as a woman, my depth of spirit and soul and my understanding of who I am and what's important to me.
Elle Macpherson