The most important things we talk about on Sundays are things to which we pay very little attention.
Erich FrommExploitation and manipulation produce boredom and triviality; they cripple man, and all factors that make man into a psychic cripple turn him also into a sadist or a destroyer.
Erich FrommIn the dream, sheltered from the noise, the subject expressed a judgment much more on the mark than that manifested in wakefulness.
Erich FrommEven if man's hunger and thirst and his sexual strivings are completely satisfied, 'he' is not satisfied. In contrast to the animal his most compelling problems are not solved then, they only begin. He strives for power or for love, or for destruction, he risks his life for religious, for political, for humanistic ideals, and these strivings are what constitutes and characterizes the peculiarity of human life.
Erich Fromm