If someone tells you that George Bush is not the 43rd president of the United States, they might be engaged in wishful thinking, or denial, but if they make that claim, it's either true or false! And you can assess that, regardless of whether there's an omniscient narrator, or an unreliable narrator, or it's shot in vรฉritรฉ, or it's manipulated, it's agitprop, whatever! It makes no difference! It's a style!
Errol MorrisYou can't tell by looking at a film-clip whether it is a drama or a documentary without knowing how it was produced.
Errol MorrisIf someone tells you that George Bush is not the 43rd president of the United States, they might be engaged in wishful thinking, or denial, but if they make that claim, it's either true or false! And you can assess that, regardless of whether there's an omniscient narrator, or an unreliable narrator, or it's shot in vรฉritรฉ, or it's manipulated, it's agitprop, whatever! It makes no difference! It's a style!
Errol MorrisThere is such a thing as truth, but we have a vested interest in not seeing it, in avoiding it.
Errol MorrisThe smarter people I know declined to watch the most recent debate [with Donald Trump].
Errol Morris