Any physical addiction, it doesn't matter how long they've been taking it or how full of it their body is, and addiction, would, between three and thirty days, be completely cleared from the system. Usually closer to three days than thirty days. But it is the emotional craving that must be tended to.
Esther HicksWhen you say "Yes" to something, you include something you do want in your experience. When you say "No" to something, you include something you don't want in your experience.
Esther HicksThe only way that you can ever know if something is of value to you is by the way it feels as you are receiving it
Esther HicksSomeone who takes the time to understand their relationship with source, who actively seeks alignment with their broader perspective, who deliberately seeks and finds alignment with who-they-really -are, is more charismatic, more attractive, more effective, and more powerful than a group of millions who have not achieved this alignment.
Esther Hicks