There are very few instances where writers have also been effective image makers - different skill sets are required.
Fred RitchinWhat does a professional photojournalist do that others cannot? Depicting photo opportunities as if they are authentic, covering press conferences, or making subjects play their assigned roles (the poor as passive victims, celebrities as glamorous) are hardly adequate responses. In fact, these might be reasons to ask for the help of amateurs who do not know how to stylize their imagery and are not interested in making a publication seem more palatable to its potential consumers.
Fred RitchinOne cannot always summarize massive issues by looking at the life of one person or one family, or even one community.
Fred RitchinI always believed that photography was subjective, interpretive and certainly did not represent the truth, but I did think that its status as a societal and historical referent needed to be both safeguarded and photojournalism is devolving into yet another medium perceived as intending to shock, titillate, sell, distort.
Fred Ritchin