Awakening begins when a man realizes that he is going nowhere and does not know where to go.
G. I. GurdjieffConsciousness is a state in which a man knows all at once everything that he in general knows and in which he can see how little he does know and how many contradictions there are in what he knows.
G. I. GurdjieffWith thorns in the inner world there will always be roses in the outer world, in law-able compensation.
G. I. GurdjieffOne of the best means for arousing the wish to work on yourself is to realize that you may die at any moment. But first you must learn how to keep it in mind.
G. I. GurdjieffLet us take some event in the life of humanity. For instance, war. There is a war going on at the present moment. What does it signify? It signifies that several millions of sleeping people are trying to destroy several millions of other sleeping people. They would not do this, of course, if they were to wake up. Everything that takes place is owing to this sleep.
G. I. Gurdjieff