For some reason, the military seems more afraid of gay people than they are against terrorists, but they're very brave with the terrorists... If the terrorists ever got a hold of this information, they'd get a platoon of lesbians to chase us out of Baghdad.
Gary AckermanIf a jerk burns the flag, America is not threatened, democracy is not under siege, freedom is not at risk.
Gary AckermanI've had meetings with Fidel Castro. I've had meetings with Kim Il-Sung. I've had meetings with other dictators. I've met with the Butcher of Beijing. You know, I think it's important to hear, you know, each other's perspective.
Gary AckermanIt used to be you had real friends on the other side of the aisle. Its not like that anymore. Society has changed. The public is to blame as well. I think the people have gotten dumber.
Gary AckermanThe media has changed. We now give broadcast licenses to philosophies instead of people. People get confused and think there is no difference between news and entertainment. People who project themselves as journalists on television don't know the first thing about journalism. They are just there stirring up a hockey game.
Gary Ackerman