When you interact with another, an illusion is part of this dynamic. This illusion allows each soul to perceive what it needs to understands in order to heal.
Gary ZukavReverence is a perception of the soul. Reverence is a natural aspect of authentic empowerment because the soul reveres all of Life. When the personality is aligned with the soul, it cannot perceive life except with reverence. Approaching life with reverence is a step toward moving the personality into alignment with the soul because it brings an aspect of the soul directly into the physical environment.
Gary ZukavThe only thing that can cause your body to hurt in your energy processing centers, [chakras] is when you are losing Spirit through one of them.
Gary ZukavUntil you can say what is most difficult for you to say, you cannot speak from your heart, live unafraid, create health, or receive support from others.
Gary ZukavIf you choose to forgive someone who has wronged you rather than to hate that person, you shift the frequency of your Light.
Gary ZukavWhen we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with the highest part of ourselves, we are filled with enthusiasm, purpose and meaning. Life is rich and full. We have no thoughts of bitterness. We have no memory of fear. We are joyously and intimately engaged with our world. This is the experience of authentic power
Gary Zukav