Every choice that we makes creates consequences, consequences in the lives of others and we experience them in ourselves, those same consequences, every choice that we make. And by the way the choices that you might think are the most important are not always the most important.
Gary ZukavThe challenge to each human is creation. Will you create with reverence, or with neglect?
Gary ZukavAuthentic power is the energy that Is formed by the intentions of the Soul. It is the light shaped by the intentions of love and compassion guided by wisdom
Gary ZukavYou may seek companionship and warmth, for example, but if your unconscious intention is to keep people at a distance, the experiences of separation and pain will surface again and again until you come to understand that you, yourself, are creating them. Eventually, you will choose to create harmony and love. You will choose to draw to you the highest-frequency currents that each situation has to offer. Eventually, you will come to understanding that love heals everything, and love is all there is.
Gary Zukav