In order to dream so far, is it enough to read? Isn't it necessary to write? Write as in our schoolboy past, in those days when, as Bonnoure says, the letters wrote themselves one by one, either in their gibbosity or else in their pretentious elegance? In those days, spelling was a drama, our drama of culture at work in the interior of a word.
Gaston BachelardAll knowledge is in response to a question. If there were no question, there would be no scientific knowledge. Nothing proceeds from itself.
Gaston BachelardTo live life well is to express life poorly; if one expresses life too well, one is living it no longer.
Gaston BachelardThe reverie we intend to study is poetic reverie. This is a reverie which poetry puts on the right track, the track an expanding consciousness follows. This reverie is written, or, at least, promises to be written. It is already facing the great universe of the blank page. Then images begin to compose and fall into place.
Gaston BachelardLiterary imagination is an aesthetic object offered by a writer to a lover of books.
Gaston Bachelard