To verify images kills them, and it is always more enriching to imagine than to experience.
Gaston BachelardTrue poetry is a function of awakening. It awakens us, but it must retain the memory of previous dreams.
Gaston BachelardLiterary imagination is an aesthetic object offered by a writer to a lover of books.
Gaston BachelardWhoever lives for poetry must read everything. How often has the light of a new idea sprung for me from a simple brochure! When one allows himself to be animated by new images, he discovers iridescence in the images of old books. Poetic ages unite in a living memory. The new age awakens the old. The old age comes to live again in the new. Poetry is never as unified as when it diversifies.
Gaston BachelardIn order to dream so far, is it enough to read? Isn't it necessary to write? Write as in our schoolboy past, in those days when, as Bonnoure says, the letters wrote themselves one by one, either in their gibbosity or else in their pretentious elegance? In those days, spelling was a drama, our drama of culture at work in the interior of a word.
Gaston Bachelard