I am apt to think, if we knew what it was to be an angel for one hour, we should return to this world, though it were to sit on the brightest throne in it, with vastly more loathing and reluctance than we would now descend into a loathsome dungeon or sepulchre.
George BerkeleyThe world is like a board with holes in it, and the square men have got into the round holes, and the round into the square.
George BerkeleyThe fawning courtier and the surly squire often mean the same thing,--each his own interest.
George BerkeleyThis perceiving, active being is what I call mind, spirit, soul, or myself. By which words I do not denote any one of my ideas, but a thing entirely distinct from them, wherein they exist, or, which is the same thing, whereby they are perceived; for the existence of an idea consists in being perceived.
George Berkeley[Christianity] neither enjoins the nastiness of the Cynic, nor the insensibility of the Stoic.
George BerkeleyI imagine that thinking is the great desideratum of the present age; and the cause of whatever is done amiss may justly be reckoned the general neglect of education in those who need it most, the people of fashion. What can be expected where those who have the most influence have the least sense, and those who are sure to be followed set the worst examples?
George Berkeley