To make Democracy work, you need an aristocratic democracy. To make Aristocracy work, you need a democratic aristocracy.
George Bernard ShawNo child should be brought up to suppose that its food and clothes come down from heaven or are miraculously conjured from empty space by papa. Loathsome as we have made the idea of duty (like the idea of work) we must habituate children to a sense of repayable obligation to the community for what they consume and enjoy, and inculcate the repayment as a point of honor.
George Bernard ShawThe American white relegates the black to the rank of shoeshine boy; and he concludes from this that the black is good for nothing but shining shoes.
George Bernard ShawIt exasperated her to think that the dungeon in which she had languished for so many unhappy years had been unlocked all the time, and that the impulses she had so carefully struggled with and stifled for the sake of keeping well with society, were precisely those by which alone she could have come into any sort of sincere human contact.
George Bernard ShawIn the right key one can say anything. In the wrong key, nothing: the only delicate part is the establishment of the key.
George Bernard ShawWe're human beings we are - all of us - and that's what people are liable to forget. Human beings don't like peace and goodwill and everybody loving everybody else. However much they may think they do, they don't really because they're not made like that. Human beings love eating and drinking and loving and hating. They also like showing off, grabbing all they can, fighting for their rights and bossing anybody who'll give them half a chance.
George Bernard Shaw