The technocrat is the natural friend of the dictatorโcomputers and dictatorship; but the revolutionary lives in the gap which separates technical progress from social totality, and inscribed there his dream of permanent revolution. This dream, therefore, is itself action, reality, and an effective menace to all established order; it renders possible what it dreams about.
Gilles DeleuzePhotography, if there is photography, is already snapped, already shot, in the very interior of things and for all points of space.
Gilles DeleuzeExternal images act on me, transmit movement to me, and I return movement: how could images be in my consciousness since I am myself image, that is, movement?
Gilles DeleuzePsychoanalysis was from the start, still is, and perhaps always will be a well-constituted church and a form of treatment based on a set of beliefs that only the very faithful could adhere to, i.e., those who believe in a security that amounts to being lost in the herd and defined in terms of common and external goals
Gilles Deleuze