What would you like?" "A skinny decaf latte." This is a ridiculous form of coffee, but I did not point it out.
Graeme SimsionSo, to add to a momentous day, I corrected a misconception that my family had held for at least fifteen years and came out to them as straight.
Graeme SimsionThere are so many weird people that nobody takes any notice. We all just fit right in.
Graeme SimsionProfessor Tillman. Most of us here are not scientists, so you may need to be a little less technical.’ This sort of thing is incredibly annoying. People can tell you the supposed characteristics of a Gemini or a Taurus and will spend five days watching a cricket match, but cannot find the interest or the time to learn the basics of what they, as humans, are made up of.
Graeme Simsion