I meditate. Like probably a lot of people, my mind was opened almost ten years ago with The Secret. From there, I devoured anything Wayne Dyer ever wrote. I listen to him constantly in my car. And Eckhart Tolle. And Paramahansa Yogananda. All this has helped me through the ups and downs of acting and kept me on my path.
Graham ShielsCatching myself in the moment. Then I remember facts are just facts, circumstances are merely circumstances. Whenever I can catch myself having a negative thought, I do Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono by saying to myself the phrases "I love you," "I'm sorry," "Please forgive me," "Thank you" in any particular order.
Graham ShielsSeeing babies and little children smile or even just be inquisitive about a bottle cap isnpires me. Watching a great performance, particularly live or in the moment. My favorite actor at the moment is the three-time Tony Award-winning Mark Rylance. Makes me work to be better.
Graham ShielsI don't have children - yet! But I can imagine a love so potent that you would give your life for them. To give your life over to something else outside of you, that's love.
Graham ShielsReplacing it with a thought. I sometimes think, "What the hell. I have four working limbs right now. I'm winning just to even have the privilege of this experience!" Steering my brain onto this track of thought begins the process of being grateful for the lesson and returns my mind to a more peaceful place.
Graham Shiels