Tact, the kind of tact you should cultivate, is not a form of deception or make-believe, but a cultivated taste which gives fine perception in seeing and doing what is best under all circumstances. There is nothing which will so readily bring you into favor, or disarm an opponent, as the right use of tact.
Grenville KleiserToday is the day in which to express your noblest qualities of mind and heart, to do at least one worthy thing you have long postponed.
Grenville KleiserThe habit of being uniformly considerate toward others will bring increased happiness to you. As you put into practice the qualities of patience, punctuality, sincerity and solicitude, you will have a better opinion of the world about you.
Grenville KleiserIt is possible to make each year bring with it a lasting gift to add to the fullness of experience, to be treasured up, savored, and remembered. They need not be startling, these gifts of the years; they may be things that lie within the reach of all.
Grenville Kleiser