Periods of wholesome laziness, after days of energetic effort, will wonderfully tone up the mind and body.
Grenville KleiserKeep a definite goal of achievement constantly in view. Realize that work well and worthily done makes life truly worth living.
Grenville KleiserThe principal object of your reading should be for the acquisition of useful knowledge , and the strengthening, refining, and ennobling of your character.
Grenville KleiserEvery good thought you think is contributing its share to the ultimate result of your life.
Grenville KleiserA. T. Stewart started life with a dollar and fifty cents. This merchant prince began by calling at the doors of houses in order to sell needles, thread and buttons. He soon found the people did not want them, and his small stock was thrown back on his hands. Then he said wisely, "I'll not buy any more of these goods, but I'll go and ask people what they do want." Thereafter he studied the needs and desires of people, found out just what they most wanted, endeavored to meet those wants, and became the greatest business man of his time.
Grenville Kleiser