In the years before the war, whenever [Adolf] Hitler would be holed up in Bayreuth, Eva [Braun], myself and our mother often went to Italy for a week.
Gretl BraunEva [Braun] also cried when [Adolf Hitler] would leave her for long periods. She was inconsolable without him, that was a never-changing refrain.
Gretl Braun[Eva Braun] loved [Adolf Hitler]. She would have done that had she been able to spend 10 minutes with him. She endured a lot on his behalf, there's a great deal on that subject to be said.
Gretl BraunEva [Braun] loved [Adolf] Hitler and he was the only man in her life. She flirted and danced with other men but never would she have done more than that.
Gretl Braun