Whatever anybody wants to say about my sister, [Eva Braun] was always beautifully dressed with a great flair for fashion. [Adolf] Hitler was not this way.
Gretl BraunIt would have been inconceivable that Eva [Braun] would ever have criticized [Adolf Hitler] to me. To his face? Yes, she would, but to me or anybody in our family? Never. And woe to anybody who dared criticize him to her.
Gretl Braun[Eva Braun] would also refer to [Adolf Hitler] as "the boss" (der Chef), but she never called him "Adolf" or "Adi" to anyone after the very early days. It was always der Fรผhrer.
Gretl Braun[Eva Braun] complained when [Adolf Hitler] was absent, she complained that she was deprived of his company.
Gretl Braun