To say that Windows 95 is just like the Mac is like finding a potato in the shape of Jesus and thinking you have witnessed the second coming
Guy KawasakiIf you must use more than ten slides to explain your business, you probably don't have a business.
Guy KawasakiIf you're an entrepreneur and you think that the president makes a difference to your business, you should stay at your current job.
Guy KawasakiAt the end of the day in business, it's not about peer review and getting into a scientific journal. You either increase sales, or not.
Guy KawasakiThe world is a big place. There are lots of smart people in it. Entrepreneurs are kidding themselves if they think they have any kind of monopoly on knowledge. And, sure as I'm a Macintosh user, on the same day that an entrepreneur tells this lie, the venture capitalist will have met with another company that's doing the same thing.
Guy Kawasaki