A man is called a good fellow for doing things which, if done by a woman, would land her in a lunatic asylum.
H. L. MenckenVoting is simply a way of determining which side is the stronger without putting it to the test of fighting.
H. L. MenckenThe learned are seldom pretty fellows, and in many cases their appearance tends to discourage a love of study in the young.
H. L. MenckenProbably the worst thing that has happened in America in my time is the decay of confidence in the courts. No one can be sure any more that in a given case they will uphold the plainest mandate of the Constitution. On the contrary, everyone begins to be more or less convinced in advance that they won't. Judges are chosen not because they know the Constitution and are in favor of it, but precisely because they appear to be against it.
H. L. Mencken