All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man: it's one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him... One of its primary functions is to regiment men by force, to make them as much alike as possible and as dependent upon one another as possible, to search out and combat originality among them.
H. L. MenckenWomen in general seem to me to be appreciably more intelligent than men. A great many of them suffer in silence from the imbecilities of their husbands.
H. L. MenckenThe prophesying business is like writing fugues; it is fatal to every one save the man of absolute genius.
H. L. MenckenThe most valuable of all human possessions, next to a superior and disdainful air, is the reputation of being well-to-do.
H. L. MenckenThe human race is divided into two sharply differentiated and mutually antagonistic classes: a smal l minority that plays with ideas and is capable of taking them in, and a vast majority that finds them painful, and is thus arrayed against them, and against all who have traffic with them.
H. L. Mencken