Sure, we all have problems and we all have our mess, and what happens tomorrow is anyone's guess, but there's no need and no benefit to let yourself stress, because for one and for all... life is blessed!
Hal ElrodTo reach levels of success you've never reached before, you must be committed at a level you've never been committed at before.
Hal ElrodYour level of success, in every area of your life, will always parallel your level of personal development. If you want Level 10 success in any area of your life, you must first develop yourself to be a Level 10 person in that area.
Hal ElrodAlthough actions speak louder than words, I believe it is our intentions that reveal our soul. Refrain from judging others based solely on their words and actions, and seek to know their deepest intentions so that you can know who they truly aspire to be, and support them in becoming the best version of themselves.
Hal Elrod