My soul was always so full of aspirations, that a God was a necessity to me. I was like a bird with an instinct of migration upon me, and a country to migrate to was as essential as it is to the bird
Hannah Whitall SmithI find that every soul that has travelled on this highway of holiness for any length of time, has invariably cut loose from its old moorings.
Hannah Whitall SmithOnce I knew what it was to rest upon the rock of God's promises, and it was indeed a precious resting place, but now I rest in His grace. He is teaching me that the bosom of His love is a far sweeter resting-place than even the rock of His promises.
Hannah Whitall SmithWe were made to be human beings here, and when people try to be anything else, they generally get into some sort of scrapes.
Hannah Whitall SmithBefore the acorn can bring forth the oak, it must become itself a wreck. No plant ever came from any but a wrecked seed.
Hannah Whitall SmithYou must remember that our God has all knowledge and all wisdom, and that therefore it is very possible He may guide you into paths wherein He knows great blessings are awaiting you, but which, to the shortsighted human eyes around you, seem sure to result in confusion and loss.
Hannah Whitall Smith