When individual enterprise is free and unhampered, profit-and-loss calculations set precise limits to a businessman's temptations to expand his services... a government valuable they may be, have no market price and, therefore, cannot be subjected to profit-and-loss accounting.
Hans F. SennholzMonetary freedom (gold: sound money), like all other economic freedoms, clears the way for energy, intellect and virtue... Political control weakens individual self-reliance and energy, causes want and poverty and, in the end, breeds tyranny and oppression.
Hans F. SennholzGovernment welfare programs contribute to the disintegration of poor families. They make women and children dependent on government; dependent for food, for clothing, for shelter; and reward fatherless families with extra benefits and welfare perks.
Hans F. SennholzFreedom is the quality of being free from the control of regulators and tax collectors. If I want to be free their control, I must not impose controls on others.
Hans F. SennholzInstead of safeguarding truth and honesty, the state then tends to become a major source of insincerity and mendacity.
Hans F. SennholzTo reverse the trend and reduce the role of government in our lives, and thus alleviate the government deficit and inflation pressures, is a giant educational task. The social and economic ideas that gave birth to the transfer system must be discredited and replaced with old values of individual independence and self-reliance. The social philosophy of individual freedom and unhampered private property must again be our guiding light.
Hans F. Sennholz