It's a fascinating time, I think. I do believe that with all the qualifications I've said - [such as] the uncertain accuracy of the web - nonetheless the access to speeches, documents is unparalleled with the ease of gathering information. If I had had that access when I was an editor or coming up, it would have made my life so much easier. As it was, everything took so much longer.
Harold EvansTelevision and radio are what I call sequential media; they're not simultaneous media. With simultaneous media, you can scan your eye down an electronic or print page and pick among six or seven stories you might like and want to read. With television and radio, you have to wait until the guy's finished talking about the balloon boy, which I don't have the slightest interest in, to find out that all hell's broken loose in Baghdad. Because they've chosen that day to start with the balloon boy.
Harold EvansMy wife [Tina Brown] co-founded the Daily Beast, so I have no hostility to the web or Internet. A number of print friends of mine regard it as the worst thing that's ever happened, but I don't.
Harold EvansI often see cases of Internet news where there's no reconciliation for what's gone before and what's newly arrived. That training for me - which was absolutely brutal and I was terrified - was so important, especially later in life when one was faced with conflicting stories and conflicting evidence.
Harold EvansActions are always more complex and nuanced than they seem. We have to be willing to wrestle with paradox in pursuing understanding.
Harold Evans[The web] is going to end up being a tremendous advantage, providing we can work out the financial structure. I think weโll see newspapers survive, being printed at home... Or youโll have a local print shop, so that rather than waiting for the newspapers to arrive by truck, which is 30 percent at least of a newspaperโs cost, youโll go in and push a button, and it will take your dollar bills without anyone having to be there. And it will print the newspaper for you while you wait. It will take seven minutes. Thereโs a terrific future for print in my view and it gives me great heart.
Harold Evans