Normally if you're dating, you're looking for compatibility, and then the moment that there's incompatibility, you're like, "Well, swipe left on that, let's just keep looking." In some ways I think the same lessons apply to people that apply to objects. It's just much easier to see that lesson in things because they're these fixed intangible lumps of stuff. People are not. They can change.
Ian BogostNormally we think of play as the opposite of work. Work is the thing you have to do, and then there's play, the thing you choose to do.
Ian BogostForcing your spouse to stop doing that bad habit that drives you crazy, or making your kid be better at math or at art or at swimming, or making your parents or your in-laws not be annoying in the way that they're annoying, these are sometimes doomed goals.
Ian BogostIf you stop someone who's talking about something being fun, and say "Well what do you mean?" it's almost impossible to answer.
Ian Bogost