When you make a decision and a commitment to do something good for yourself, it is like dropping a pebble in a pond. It has a rippling effect. The firmer the decision, the stronger the frequency and wider the range of things that will be reached.
Iyanla VanzantSpiritual consciousness does not make your problems go away; it does, however, help you view them from a different vantage point.
Iyanla VanzantThis is probably one of the most difficult challenges any parent could face - learning to love the other parent enough to make the children first.
Iyanla VanzantIt is an honor and a privilege to be of service and support; however, I realize people are not putting their confidence in me. Instead, they are actually learning to trust themselves. My job is to affirm and support them in the process and teach them to do what I do when I need strength: I begin within.
Iyanla Vanzant