Until today, you may not have realized that your life provides the content of your obituary. Just for today, examine your life. Think about all of the things you want to leave behind. Remember, the good thing about doing this today is that you still have time to rewrite your life's content if necessary.
Iyanla VanzantEverybody does not have to like you. That is not their job. Liking you is not anyone's purpose in life except yours.
Iyanla VanzantWhen you make a decision and a commitment to do something good for yourself, it is like dropping a pebble in a pond. It has a rippling effect. The firmer the decision, the stronger the frequency and wider the range of things that will be reached.
Iyanla VanzantWhat we must realize is that we cannot see everything. We do not know everything. More important, we must understand that it is impossible for us to control anything. The process of life is a spiritual one, governed by invisible, intangible spiritual laws and principles.
Iyanla VanzantEmbrace the truth. Speak the truth. Be the truth. When we welcome the truth, we live our lives like it's golden.
Iyanla VanzantMany self-employed people provide services that are nonessential. So whether you get your hair done less or your hair cut less, or your nails done less, as a writer and a speaker I was very clear that corporations weren't being as open and as generous and I wasn't getting the kind of work that I usually got.
Iyanla Vanzant