When you continue to give without receiving, the only thing you are proving is that you know how to be taken advantage of.
Iyanla VanzantTransformation doesn't have to be deep, dark and mysterious. If you screw up, fine - laugh at yourself, learn and move on.
Iyanla VanzantIf you want a real experience of serenity, look for the good. Affirm the good. Acknowledge the good.
Iyanla VanzantStuff your feelings because feelings buried alive don't die. And that fear or that upset or that anger or that whatever it is, it'll turn into something inside of you. So you want to get it out.
Iyanla VanzantI love a vision board. I have one hanging over my desk right now. Because what you see, you become, and it reminds you when you start getting busy in the day, about your vision. I like words more than pictures. I have a card sitting on my desk right now that says, "I only give out that which I wish to receive in return." It's one of Louise Hay's cards. Words remind me more and it gives me something to hold onto when I'm frantic about something else.
Iyanla Vanzant