Nobody who's really using his ego, his real ego, has any time for any goddam hobbies
People are always ruining things for you.
Its really hard to be roommates with people if your suitcases are much better than theirs.
Real ugly girls have it tough. I feel so sorry for them sometimes.
I asked him what, if anything, got him down about teaching. He said he didn't think that anything about it got him exactly down, but there was one thing, he thought, that frightened him: reading the pencilled notations in the margins of books in the college library.
You know, I'm the only one in this family who has no problems, . . . And you know why? Because any time I'm feeling blue, or puzzled , what I do, I just invite a few people to come visit me in the bathroom, and--well, we iron things out together, that's all.