Do you realize that your life at this very moment is the result of everything that you have ever thought , done , believed , or felt up until now ? You can start right now to consciously and deliberately attract whatever you desire in this lifetime.
Jack CanfieldRemember, it's more mentally tiring to think about what has to be done, and all the things that might go wrong, than it is to physically do the job.
Jack CanfieldRemember, you and you alone are responsible for maintaining your energy. Give up blaming, complaining and excuse making, and keep taking action in the direction of your goals - however mundane or lofty they may be.
Jack CanfieldI have a friend, a pastor, who applied with me and 419 other people for 25 seats on a special advisory board. Though I believed she was infinitely more qualified than me, she wasn't selected and I was. When I saw her at her church weeks later, I asked her how she felt about the decision. While disappointment, self-doubt and defeat would have been normal reactions to the Board's decision, my friend said she felt great. 'How come?' I asked. She said with a smile, 'I just figured God had something better in store for me.'
Jack Canfield