It is a universal principle that you get more of what you think about, talk about, and feel strongly about.
Jack CanfieldAs you begin to take action toward the fulfillment of your goals and dreams, you must realize that not every action will be perfect. Not every action will produce the desired result. Not every action will work. Making mistakes, getting it almost right, and experimenting to see what happens are all part of the process of eventually getting it right.
Jack CanfieldIf you are going to be successful, you need to give up the phrase, "I can't" & all of its cousins, such as "I wish I were able to.
Jack CanfieldMy life purpose is to inspire and empower people and organizations to live their highest vision in a context of love and joy and in harmony with the highest good of all concerned.
Jack CanfieldChange is inevitable in life. You can either resist it and potentially get run over by it, or you can choose to cooperate with it, adapt to it, and learn how to benefit from it. When you embrace change you will begin to see it as an opportunity for growth.
Jack CanfieldSimply put, the Law of Attraction states that you will attract into your life whatever you focus on. Whatever you give your energy and attention to will come back to you. So, if you stay focused on the good and positive things in your life, you will automatically attract more good and positive things into your life.
Jack Canfield