No amount of outer technology, no amount of computers and biotechnology and nanotechnology is going to stop the continuation of warfare and racism and environmental destruction. What's called for on the Earth at this time is really a change of heart ... the question is really not the future of humanity, but the presence of eternity.
Jack KornfieldHave respect for yourself, and patience and compassion. With these, you can handle anything.
Jack KornfieldTo meditate is to discover new possibilities, to awaken the capacities of us has to live more wisely, more lovingly, more compassionately, and more fully.
Jack KornfieldTo open deeply, as genuine spiritual life requires, we need tremendous courage and strength, a kind of warrior spirit.
Jack KornfieldIn a society that almost demands life at double time, speed and addictions numb us to our own experience. In such a society, it is almost impossible to settle into our bodies or stay connected with our hearts, let alone connect with one another or the earth where we live.
Jack KornfieldLove is based on our capacity to trust in a reality beyond fear, to trust a timeless truth bigger than all our difficulties.
Jack KornfieldWhat brings the karmic result from the patterns of our actions is not our action alone. As we intend and then act, we create [our] karma: so another key to understanding the creation of karma is becoming aware of intention. The heart is our garden, and along with each action there is an intention that is planted like a seed. The result of the patterns of our karma is the fruit of these seeds.
Jack Kornfield