Creative leadership impact increases in your 50's. When I turn 50 I want to say, "Nice start!"
James C. CollinsGood is the enemy of great. And that's one of the key reasons why we have so little that becomes great.
James C. CollinsA visionary company doesn't simply balance between idealism and profitability: it seeks to be highly idealistic and highly profitable. A visionary company doesn't simply balance between preserving a tightly held core ideology and stimulating vigorous change and movement; it does both to an extreme.
James C. CollinsThe challenge is not just to build a company that can endure; but to build one that is worthy of enduring.
James C. CollinsIf we allow the celebrity rock-star model of leadership to triumph, we will see the decline of corporations and institutions of all types. The twentieth century was a century of greatness, but we face the very real prospect that the next century will see very few enduring great institutions.
James C. Collins