The Buccaneers was an Edith Wharton novel, and she never finished it, and a screenwriter adapted it for television.
James FrainI would want to keep that in a little glass sphere, perhaps in the corner of my living room, lit up. But, I think that's an extremely expensive rig. The costumes were crazy expensive, beyond anything they could afford to give you, to take away. They're going to be in a museum of some kind, on display until they get the go for Tron: Legacy 2. It would have been awesome to keep, though. I don't think there was anything that they could afford to let go. I probably would have been arrested.
James FrainEvery project has its things to be overcome, but I didn't find that there was anything particularly impossible about what we were doing - it was all quite exciting.
James FrainCable series have more time to focus on characters, and a structure that allows for a development in character as you go along. Network shows have a pressure of time and space that is completely different.
James FrainWorking with CGI is more like doing theater where your sort of imagining things. I didn't experience it as restrictive.
James FrainWorking with Joe [Kosinski], definitely. I loved working with Joe. For a guy who doesn't really come from the fiction world - he comes from advertising and architecture - he's extremely easy-going and very calm. He's extremely detailed, but a very generous and fun director to work with. He really encouraged me to find the fun in the part and to have fun with it.
James Frain