Under the current high energy / high entropy regime, sustainable development is a joke.
James Howard KunstlerThe twentieth century was about getting around. The twenty-first century will be about staying in a place worth staying in.
James Howard KunstlerIn many places, the zoning prohibits the mixing of retail and residential. This stupidity has been accompanied by stupidities in municipal policy, such as disallowing accessory apartments - under the theory that renters are incapable of behaving decently.
James Howard KunstlerThe suburban cycle which began a hundred years ago is nearly over. We are in for a period of contraction and economic hardship.
James Howard KunstlerThe fortunate and successful New Urbanists will be the ones who can find local infill projects in small towns and small cities associated with farming, water transport, (perhaps rail too) and water power. I do not believe personally that we will retrofit much of suburbia in the way many people wish we might. The capital won't be there, and I'm rather convinced that the population is headed down - though this will be a lagging effect, because even starving people have sex.
James Howard Kunstler