I'm just opposed to a pure inflation-only mandate in which the only thing a central bank cares about is inflation and not employment.
Janet YellenThe bottom line for housing is that the concerns we used to hear about the possibility of a devastating collapseโone that might be big enough to cause a recession in the U.S. economyโwhile not fully allayed have diminished. Moreover, while the future for housing activity remains uncertain, I think there is a reasonable chance that housing is in the process of stabilizing, which would mean that it would put a considerably smaller drag on the economy going forward.
Janet YellenWill capitalist economies operate at full employment in the absence of routine intervention? Certainly not.
Janet YellenBy some estimates, income and wealth inequality are near their highest levels in the past hundred years, much higher than the average during that time span and probably higher than for much of American history before then.
Janet YellenProspects for growth in the year ahead are solid at the national level, and of course, this can only be good news for the Bay Area and California as well. The U. S. economy has shown remarkable resilience in the face of some severe shocks - in particular, the surge in energy prices that began a couple of years ago and the devastation wrought by the twin hurricanes last summer.
Janet YellenThe average net worth of the lower half of the distribution, representing 62 million households, was $11,000 in 2013. About one-fourth of these families reported zero wealth or negative net worth, and a significant fraction of those said they were "underwater" on their home mortgages, owing more than the value of the home. This $11,000 average is 50 percent lower than the average wealth of the lower half of families in 1989, adjusted for inflation.
Janet Yellen