For a long time we have thought we were better than the living world, and now some of us tend to think we are worse, that everything we touch turns to soot. But neither perspective is healthy. We have to remember how it feels to have equal standing in the world, to be "between the mountain and the ant . . . part and parcel of creations," as the Iroquois traditionalist Oren Lyons says.
Janine BenyusThe answers to our questions are everywhere; we just need to change the lens with which we see the world.
Janine BenyusIn reality, we haven't escaped the gravity of life at all. We are still beholden to ecological laws, the same as any other life-form.
Janine BenyusTrees and bones are constantly reforming themselves along lines of stress. This algorithm has been put into a software program that's now being used to make bridges lightweight, to make building beams lightweight.
Janine Benyus