Because no, I didnโt push her away. I didnโt add to her pain or do anything to hurt her. Instead, I left her alone in that room. The only person who mightโve been able to reach out and save her from herself. To pull her back from wherever she was heading. I did what she asked and I left. When I should have stayed.
Jay AsherI don't know exactly what it is, but it looks like interconnected websites where people show their photos and write about everything going on in their lives, like whether they found a parking spot or what they ate for breakfast." "But why?" Josh asks.
Jay AsherI've always loved brainstorming with other writers, and I consider having my work critiqued a part of that brainstorming.
Jay AsherStories about sensitive issues like sex, drugs or sexual assault, suicide and teen drinking, are often censored because people just don't want to talk about those things. It's not that these things don't happen, but when they're shared in a fictional setting, for some reason they make some people uncomfortable.
Jay Asher