A man can keep another's secret better than his own. A woman her own better than others.
Jean de la BruyereWe perceive when love begins and when it declines by our embarrassment when alone together.
Jean de la BruyereExtremes are vicious, and proceed from men; compensation is just, and proceeds from God.
Jean de la BruyereThere are few wives so perfect as not to give their husbands at least once a day good reason to repent of ever having married, or at least of envying those who are unmarried.
Jean de la BruyereWe meet With few utterly dull and stupid souls: the sublime and transcendent are still fewer; the generality of mankind stand between these two extremes: the interval is filled with multitudes of ordinary geniuses, but all very useful, and the ornaments and supports of the commonwealth.
Jean de la Bruyere