Okay, okay, backing off. Um, I suppose this would be a bad time to ask you to talk to Pete for me, you know, about the car?' His eyes widened. I could almost hear him thinking, Of all the nerve! 'You were driving,' he said. 'But he likes you so much better than me.' 'That is because I do not keep wrecking the rentals.
Jennifer RardinDo you even know what hammerd means?" I asked. "Something to do with drinking your American beer out of a hole in the side of a can?" Dave reached over and slapped him on the shin. "Close enough.
Jennifer RardinCool! Now I can steal some rich old coot's Ferrari and go fishing for marlin with the same piece of jewelry.
Jennifer RardinApparently you don't have to observe the Rules of Etiquette when reuniting with a muderous spouse.
Jennifer RardinThat's what I'd call him if he was my dog. Jacket-humper. Kinda had a ring to it. Although it seemed a little long for vet visits and intros to lady dogs.
Jennifer RardinI'm just being practial. I knew someday I might have to bare my throat to you. Pete and I discussed that very possibility. As for the danger and risk taking, that's what Pete pays me to do. And you and I both know he inteneds to get his money's worth." Jasmine, I cannot-" Why not!" Because you are not food!" I stared at him for a minute; the I started to grin. I couldn't help it. Vayl"-I tried to keep my face straight- "I'm not asking you to eat me.
Jennifer Rardin